Springtime allergy season is upon us

The long winter is finally coming to a close and making way for the beautiful spring weather. For most people, this means more time out in the park or the beach for glowing, sunkissed skin. However, for the 40 million Americans suffering from allergies, it means itchy eyes, runny noses, and even skin rashes. Unfortunately,…

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Do computer screens blind you?

It’s a common saying that sitting in front of a computer screen for hours on end is bad for your eyes… and sadly, it’s true! Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a growing problem, and symptoms include dry or itchy eyes, blurred vision, eyestrain, and headaches. However, there are a few ways to fight the damage…

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Body posture can improve your brain

When a person damages a part of their brain, it can affect a whole range of behaviors including movement, language, vision, memory, self-control, and even emotions. However, while the brain has major influence over our body, did you know our physical actions can have just as much influence over the brain? For example, forcing a…

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Are you extra delicious to mosquitoes?

The word “mosquito” means “little fly” in Spanish, but there’s nothing small about their bloodsucking reputation, especially as the brain-shrinking Zika virus gains momentum. And, it turns out mosquitoes prefer some people over others, according to a recent “taste test” involving mosquitoes and human twins. Before you run away from the next mosquito, did you…

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